Kids Golf Programme

Start young and swing it right with our proven Kids Golf Programme! Suitable for children aged 3 and up.

Goals: nurture golf fundamentals, discipline, focus, integrity and confidence in each child; imparting golf, mental and life skills to children in a safe and fun environment.

1/2/3-4 pax (promotional price per hour: $130/ $75/ $75 respectively. UP: $150 / $95 / $95)

kids golf programme all levels


For golfers pursuing the Proficiency Certificate (PC) and Handicap (HC)


Enrol in our Beginner Modules (Junior/Adult)
5hrs sessions x2

Complete the Golf Rules & Etiquette Workshop
5hrs session x1

PC fee: $90 with insurance


8 sessions: Range & Short Game 1.5 hrs x4, Course lessons 2 hrs x4.

  1. Approach short game. Learn how to play from 25, 50, 75 meters.
  2. Sloping lies: Learn how to play up, down hill lines, ball above or below your feet.
  3. Driver and fairway wood. Learn how to achieve maximum distance.
  4. 4×2 hours course management
  5. Golf rules & etiquette.

Lessons (excludes range balls and green fees):

  • Individual: $1650
  • Groups of 2/3/4: $1300, $1200, $1100 per person respectively. 

Handicap fee:

  • $250 courtesy round (test, 2 hours)
  • $160 Handicap maintenance (1 year) with insurance